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Conversations with Friends, by Sally Rooney

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A SUNDAY TIMES, OBSERVER AND TELEGRAPH BOOK OF THE YEARFrances is twenty-one years old, cool-headed and observant. A student in Dublin and an aspiring writer, at night she performs spoken word with her best friend Bobbi, who used to be her girlfriend. When they are interviewed and then befriended by Melissa, a well-known journalist who is married to Nick, an actor, they enter a world of beautiful houses, raucous dinner parties and holidays in Provence, beginning a complex ménage-à -quatre. But when Frances and Nick get unexpectedly closer, the sharply witty and emotion-averse Frances is forced to honestly confront her own vulnerabilities for the first time.
A SUNDAY TIMES, OBSERVER AND TELEGRAPH BOOK OF THE YEARFrances is twenty-one years old, cool-headed and observant. A student in Dublin and an aspiring writer, at night she performs spoken word with her best friend Bobbi, who used to be her girlfriend. When they are interviewed and then befriended by Melissa, a well-known journalist who is married to Nick, an actor, they enter a world of beautiful houses, raucous dinner parties and holidays in Provence, beginning a complex ménage-à -quatre. But when Frances and Nick get unexpectedly closer, the sharply witty and emotion-averse Frances is forced to honestly confront her own vulnerabilities for the first time.
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Taschenbuch: 321 Seiten
Verlag: Faber And Faber Ltd.; Auflage: Main (1. März 2018)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 0571333133
ISBN-13: 978-0571333134
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
12,9 x 2 x 19,8 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
3.4 von 5 Sternen
9 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 120 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
A thrilling and touching book for many reasons: It shows Frances, a student and young writer in her relationships to and with several people and their impacts on her and her development and self-image. The story evolves via a series of events seen through her eyes, and many dialogues both witty and revealing.The turns and complications always remain credible and plausible and this also goes for the ending. The language is mostly concise and to the point, yet highly revealing if called for not only of the intellectual, but equally the emotional implications, with ample breathtakingly poetic language helping to underline the contrast between the cerebral-intellectual deliberations and emotional response and reaction. I would be hard put to say what I didn’t like, for me the book as it stands is highly challenging and satisfying on many levels as well as lovely and complete.The target readership? Well, the novel is certainly not of the YA-genre, yet even if one might argue that Frances is a student of 21, and the other main couple in their mid-thirties, the interest of the work cannot be pinned to a certain age group. The central themes of intimacy, detachment, and identity are issues and challenges very few can say they have put behind them once and for all, and the ways they are handled and illustrated in the book don’t appear dated easily.
I bought it because I read good reviews about it, but was bored and disappointed by it. Gave up have way through and then read just the last section, and realised I haven't missed much really.
Leider finde ich das Buch sehr langweilig. Kann die guten Kritiken nicht verstehen und habe ab der Hälfte aufgegeben. Vielleicht für jüngere Frauen geeignet.
Tried this because of the good reviews. However, I find the different side plots are told in a confusing way and there is hardly any development, also in general the story is pretty shallow to me + all of the characters seem to be weirdly immature.
Love how she explores the relationship between (and the space in between) people. I read each of her books in one sitting...
writes beautifully and irresistibly, with beautiful insight into the subtleties of love and friendship.and the narrative takes turns that change as the characters interact in a novel way...could not literally put it down till i finished it, in a day.
Die Geschichte wird wunderschön aufgespannt um die Freundschaften und LiebesBeziehungen der jungen Erzählerin, darum, herauszufinden, wer wir sind und sein wollen.
A fun read with some deep and some not so deep parts. The narrator isn't particularly sympathetic but in her defence she never claimed she was.
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